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Personal Development

Personal Development

Personal Development

A formal program of regular lessons in personal development runs from Prep through to Year 12. The content and delivery of the program vary according to the needs, maturity, and interests of the students. We are a KidsMatter school.  KidsMatter is an Australian mental health and wellbeing initiative set in primary schools.  We use the resources to help us sustain good mental health for all members of our school community, especially our children.  The Kidsmatter resources include many parent information sheets which you may find relevant for any issues that might like to investigate.

In Prep to Year 3 the personal development program is YOU CAN DO IT! The program’s core purpose is the development of young people’s social and emotional capabilities, including Confidence (academic, social), Persistence, Organisation, Getting Along, and Emotional Resilience. Central to the development of these 5 foundations is instilling in young people 12 Habits of the Mind that support and nourish the 5 foundations, including Accepting Myself, Taking Risks, Setting Goals, Planning My Time, Being Tolerant of Others, Thinking First, Playing by the Rules, and Social Responsibility (includes the values of respect, responsibility, caring, fairness and honesty).

Lessons and incidental learning from everyday situations play an important role in the social and emotional education of students. Through the buddy system, younger girls and boys can develop friendships across year levels and find positive role models. Other programs to support personal development in the Primary School are Bounce Back, You Can Do It, Circle Time, lunchtime clubs, and Yarning Time - Community space.

Student Leadership & Voice

Leadership is an area of focus throughout students’ secondary schooling and we encourage the students to develop skills in teamwork, problem-solving, creativity, and team leadership. There are many opportunities for students to learn and practice leadership skills.   All students can nominate to be considered for leadership roles in the SRC (Student Representative Council). Student representatives are also elected to lead the House Groups. Those wishing to be considered for SRC or House leadership positions must make presentations to the relevant group which is followed by student voting. House Leaders assist with House projects and events and represent the College at community events and presentations. SRC leaders are encouraged to use College Assemblies as a platform. 

Students attend college retreats, camps, and conferences, such as the ‘Grip Student Leadership Conference, for personal development and to develop their leadership skills. They are given a voice in the College through writing for our newsletter, publishing their work, student work displays, culminating events, public acknowledgment of their achievements, and the planning and celebrating of significant events.